In the House-Museum of MS Schepkina will host an exhibition of students BHSAD
January 26 in the House-Museum of MS Schepkina will open the exhibition "SnarkDzhum" students of the course "Scenography" on the basis of the module "Fundamentals of directing" Vladimir Bocharov.

In their works, students analyzed the snake-shaped poem by Lewis Carroll and developed several models of game situations (board game, quest, sports, quiz show) that will unfold in the suite of rooms, corridors and on the stairs of the house-museum.

According to the curator of the exhibition, Natalia Pivovarova, “Snark Dzhum” is a hybrid structure, an insoluble contradiction. “On the one hand, the game is a matter of free people. But if the absurdity of life puts a person in the position of a player, the only opportunity to preserve freedom of action is to play. Play to be free, or to be free to play? These and other questions are posed to us by Carroll, and the reality of today asks them. The deceptiveness and illusory nature of the world, its insecurity and precariousness immerse us into the space of the game, where together we are forced to hunt for Snark, ”says Natalia Pivovarova.

The grand opening of the exhibition will be held on January 26 at 19:00, and you can see the works of students of BHSAD until February 9. Information for visitors (on opening hours and tickets), look at the museum site.


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